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The Neighbourhood Plan is an opportunity to promote sustainable transport by encouraging people to make more journeys on foot, by bike and public transport and improving the flow of motorised traffic.



A neighbourhood plan may deal with transport related to new development. It may only deal with traffic management of existing networks, where management would be necessary to allow development to be approved. Policy on transport should seek to encourage a balanced and sustainable provision.


The needs of non-car owners should be addressed. For example, pedestrian convenience and facilities for cyclists should be encouraged. Careful consideration should be given to creating convenient and safe links to surrounding areas.


It may be necessary to encourage new roads, bus routes and other links to key development sites to support their development. Car parking needs to be carefully designed and positioned to create a distinctive sense of place and not to dominate the public realm.


transportation issues

Get Involved > Issues > Mobility


Research & Evidence

The 2015 Household Survey has highlighted five main issues for the Plan to consider: pedestrian networks, cycling networks, parking, traffic calming and public transport.


At the October 2015 Have Your Say days we conducted workshops and collected feedback for the West Sussex County Council Cycling Strategy.


In January 2016 we set up Google groups on each working group page to publicly discuss the issues online and via email. We also began sharing ideas via our blog, Facebook and Streetlife (now Nextdoor) alternatively, you can join our discussion group on LinkedIn or subscribe to our Youtube channel.


At the February 2016 Have Your Say days we conducted more workshops. These workshops were also made available online until April 2016. We received 48 responses from residents aged between 25 and 65+. The transport workshop report and youth survey focuses on exercise, river crossings, walking, cycling and driving. The regeneration workshop report focuses on public car parks and sites which local residents identified for potential improvement.


The reports include constructive comments, informative charts and maps. Policy makers can use these maps to see where respondents live in relation to the issues they were voting on, where they want to see improvements and how this relates to actual traffic incidents in the area over the last ten years.


Comments from all SBNF public consultations can be viewed by clicking on the appropriate icons on the interactive map.


We are using the data to develop objectives and policies. The first draft was shown at the October 2016 Have Your Say days. See below.

What are your Aspirations for this area?
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Planning Briefs

Vision for Transport & Movement

Shoreham Beach will be a quiet, low emission neighbourhood with the flexibility to welcome and accommodate visitors during peak seasons. The flow of people on and off the beach will be safe and smooth. Young and old can choose to travel locally without relying on the car. It will be easy to choose active transport to maintain a healthy lifestyle during our daily commute - enabling us to be more able in later life.

Strategic Objective

(Revision 3, 2017) 

The Neighbourhood Plan will support a transition towards more sustainable transport and movement by reducing the negative impact of development (including congestion, air pollution, noise pollution, safety and parking) together with improving conditions for pedestrians, cyclists, motorists and mobility vehicle users.


Workshops: How to ease congestion on Ferry Rd and the A259


Interactive Transport & Movement Maps

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Click on icons for details and comments by local residents.

* Red = Transport related issues

* Blue = existing cycling/walking routes and parking facilities

* Orange = Popular destinations (community facilities)

* Black = Possible / planned development by others (councils, developers, etc)
that could have an impact on transport & movement.

* Purple = SBNF draft proposals

Exercise Circuit / Nature Trails Idea

Exercise circuit concept

fitness loop design
fitness loop benefits

Local architects have recognised an opportunity to design a low-cost, inter­-connected system of activity, exercise, and transportation that helps people lead healthier, happier lives - with the potential added benefit of boosting property value and local trade. SBNF has been gathering feedback about the idea via a face-to-face workshop, an online workshop and Facebook. If you have any more comments about the exercise circuit map, you can also join the discussion group below.

Discuss the issues & ideas with the working group


More resources and ideas

Articles on this website covering transport and movement issues on Shoreham Beach

Our Neighbourhood Plan transport policies must conform with Adur Local Plan Policies; in particularTransport and Connectivity which points to the need for new development to ‘…provide for improvements to the road network … junction improvements, traffic calming….’ and to encourage proposals to extend the existing cycle network and pedestrian facilities linking urban areas, countryside and coast….’ and  â€˜â€¦measures to address on-street and off-street parking issues’

Sets the strategy for guiding future investment in our highways and transport infrastructure. Our NP will need to conform with this plan.

Umbrella organisation working on strategic issues for cycling in West Sussex


S-B-C want cycling in Shoreham to be easier, more comfortable and less stressful, so more of us feel able to ride to work, to school, to the shops or simply to the pub.

Poole Quays is a similar area to Shoreham Beach and they are also producing a neighbourhood plan. Read their people-friendly streets policy here.

The Neighbourhood `plan must conform with government policy. The government’s vision is for cycling and walking to become the natural choice for shorter journeys. The cycling and walking investment strategy sets out the Department for Transport’s (DfT) ambitions for increasing the number of journeys and journey stages made on foot or by bicycle.

You can make a request directly to your council for new pedestrian crossing, traffic lights or double-yellow lines.

An amazing resource for anyone concerned about road safety in our neighbourhood.

West Sussex is the UK’s roadkill capital, responsible for nearly a sixth of all recorded animal deaths-by-vehicle. Adur & Worthing councils have stored more than 100 cats and dogs in chest freezers over the last two years - in case their owners want to reclaim their dead animals. Project Splatter is a research effort to quantify and map wildlife roadkill and ultimately reduce collisions with wildlife.

Report problems (like graffiti, fly-tipping, potholes or faulty street lighting) in your community. All you have to do is type in a postcode and describe your problem. They send your report to the people whose job it is to fix it.

Have you ever wanted to make changes to your street? Perhaps to reduce traffic, increase cycle parking, plant new trees, or create places to sit and relax.

FREE matching service for all those who live, work and travel in and around the county as well as doing longer journeys to other locations. This site matches you up with potential partners as a driver or passenger. By sharing your commute with just one other person the average car-sharer can save nearly £1,000 per year!

Examples of neighbourhood plan transport policy and other resources

This strategy will set out a package of improvement measures for the Shoreham area that will be delivered through a combination of contributions from developers, external government funding and the local authorities.

Facebook Group hoping to start a 'community response' to the future of the centre.

Use your smartphone to convert walking steps into digital currency (W$) which you can spend in a growing number of stores. The new app is currently available on Android (Oct 2016).

Changing Gears Bike Maintenance

Training in bike maintenance (and can fix your bike for you too), restore and sell pre-loved bikes and provide volunteering and accredited training opportunities for people of all ages.

A network of organisations and individuals aiming to protect Arundel’s countryside and neighbouring villages, homes and businesses, whilst improving transport and access. 

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