Adur Council is planning to start building the boardwalk extension to Forthaven in May 2018. Here you will find the planned route and notification to residents. Our own research and consultations suggest that a westward boardwalk to Beach Green and beyond is needed even more.
Why is it needed?
With increasing numbers of visitors, the boardwalk provides access to those less able to walk on the shingle and reduces impact upon the rare vegetation. This heat map shows the routes the popularity of the existing boardwalk for those who track their walking and running activity. You can see that a lot of people continue westward along the shingle towards Beach Green.

Where do people access the water?
This activity map (made by users of the fitness tracker app) shows the routes people take across the beach to access the water - see more detailed map here > It will be interesting to see if the new eastward boardwalk extension enables an increase in water activity in that area... although this is limited due to the popularity of fishing > and associated waste at the West breakwater of Shoreham Port.

Draft Neighbourhood Plan Policy TM4: Boardwalk Extension to the west
The Plan strongly supports the extension of the pedestrian boardwalk westwards to the proposed new Beach Green cafe and from Beach Green to Widewater lagoon - as outlined in the Beach Green Master Plan Policy NR 4.
The Rationale: Improve pedestrian safety and reduce clashes with cars and cyclists by extending the pedestrian boardwalk westwards to the new Beach Green cafe and from Beach Green to Widewater lagoon.
Find out more here about the draft policy here:
Beach Green Draft Master Plan:
Notification from ADC Engineering Services:
Following the successful completion of Phases 1 and 2 of the Shoreham Beach walkway, tenders for Phase 3 of the project were issued on Friday 23 February, and construction of the walkway is likely to commence on site in May 2018.
The above plan (click to enlarge) shows the route of the Phase 3 walkway. The works are to be undertaken by the Council under its Permitted Development Rights, these rights are also known as “permitted development” (PD) as set out in The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amended) (no.2) (England) Order2008. This covers works that do not require planning permission.
The route of the phase 3 extension will run on land owned by Adur DC, between the existing hard concrete access path at The Burrells, and the boundary of their land at Shoreham Fort and then on Land owned by Shoreham Fort.
The path will follow the more northerly existing established footpath on the shingle beach between the patches of vegetated shingle, to the Shoreham Port land where it will turn north to follow the existing muddy path before joining to the WSCC footpath at Forthaven.
The chosen route is designed to give access to those less able to walk on the shingle and to formalise a route that reduces impact upon the vegetation.
The proposed route has been discussed and agreed with the Environment Agency and with West Sussex County Council’s, County Ecologist and Countryside Ranger, and Shoreham Port.
Whilst the project is widely supported by the Adur Councillor, Shoreham Residents Association, Friends of Shoreham Beach and the residents of Shoreham in general, we understand that some residents whose properties back onto the beach may have concerns Should you wish to comment or seek clarification on any points, please contact Ken Argent, Engineer via e-mail: