Membership Info
Invite your friends
Send a link to this page or print a sign-up sheet and display it in your shop, cafe or community group for those who don't have access to the internet.
Privacy Policy
The information you provide will only be used by the neighbourhood forum. It will not be shared with any other organisation. Data will be anonymised for research and evidence purposes. More info
Membership is free, but we rely on grants and donations to fund our community engagement work. If you feel able to contribute, please click on the link below to be taken to our secure Paypal donation page. You can choose your own amount and payment method - either Paypal or credit card. Donate by debit/credit card or PayPal
Legal responsibilities of Neighbourhood Planning
must be appropriate having regard to national policy
must contribute to the achievement of sustainable development
must be in general conformity with the strategic policies in the development plan for the local area
must be compatible with human rights requirements
must be compatible with EU obligations.
Unique site visitors:
Beach Population:
Membership is free to all who live or work on the Beach. Members have certain rights and responsibilities which are explained below. We want to be as representative as possible, which is why we ask for location, age group and interests.
If you simply want to get updates and you don't live or work on the beach, choose the 'subscribe' option
Why Join the Forum?
* Email updates
* Event invitations
* Workshops & surveys
* Vote at AGMs
* See our constitution for more details.
The members map shows the boundary of the neighbourhood plan area and the distribution of our current members.
Resident members
Representatives of organisations