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How Community Groups Can Improve Public Space

Updated: Jan 4, 2022

All over the country, community groups are becoming involved in improving outdoor spaces. This Design Council guide aims to help anyone involved in a public space project for the first time. It gives examples of great outdoor spaces led by community groups and highlights lessons from their experiences. It is neither a substitute for the need to employ an experienced design professional; nor does it provide a comprehensive guide to involving and consulting people. It seeks to inspire people to demand better places and in doing so challenges users of this guide to think carefully about leaving a legacy of excellence in the projects that emerge.

How could this be applied to Shoreham Beach Neighbourhood Plan Draft Policies? For instance, the "Beach Green Renaissance"

In the context of the designation of Beach Green as a Local Public Open Space and a Village Green, the Neighbourhood Plan is proposing to promote and support the following initiatives:

  • the provision of a multi-use activities area in the northern part of Beach Green

  • the retention and improvement of the (whole or part of) car park

  • the provision of a café and community facilities on the site of the existing toilet block

  • bike parking and improved cycle and pedestrian path with curves to slow cyclists near the toilets and cafe

  • visitor map and fitness loops (unobtrusive signage on existing pathways to mark routes designed for enjoyable, car-free running and walking trails around the neighbourhood)

  • the preparation of a Beach Green Master Plan to ensure the co-ordinated and integrated implementation of these proposals.

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