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Management Committee minutes - Jan 2015

Updated: Nov 24, 2020

21 January 2015

Harbour Club

Minutes from December 11, 2014 meeting - Approved Future funding & Community Development Funding/grant monitoring end report – the outstanding balance was returned to Locality, prior to Christmas, following a decision to consider expenditure carefully for the coming year. The chair, Dawn Clenton-Sparey, reported that she had received advice regarding a further bridging grant for £1,200 to cover expenditure for the remainder of the financial year. The application has been submitted – decision pending. Projected expenditure includes professional planning consultancy and a contribution towards website development/printing costs for a Household Survey. Further grant funding of £8,000 will be available for 2015/16. Update & actions forward, aims/objectives - end date/target for Neighbourhood Plan: sustainability report, surveys.

The management committee intends to try to complete the Plan by November 2015. It was agreed to develop a Characterisation Study as a matter of urgency – this will help formulate the Vision for our plan. Work to start in February.

Survey The next stage is to start conducting a survey before the end of March – identifying ‘hard to reach’ groups such as Young People, Houseboat residents etc. Local expertise will be used to reduce costs. A meeting has been held with Adur District Council to discuss the way forward. The results of the survey will help to drive the Plan objectives. The next ‘Have your Say’ event will be arranged at the end of May, to share the feedback from the survey and resulting objectives. Working Groups next steps & updates - The most active groups (e.g. Development) will continue to meet but the remit of the less active groups will be reviewed again once the results of the Household survey are in. Any other business All to review the Ferring Neighbourhood Plan before the next meeting.

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