Saturday February 6th 2016 Shoreham Beach Primary School 10-11am
John Haffenden (Vice Chairman) introduced himself and welcomed everyone to the AGM.
Chairman’s report Presented by Dawn Clenton-Sparey John explained the nature of the Neighbourhood Plan.
Treasurer’s report Presented by Dawn, who briefly explained the funding process for grants – an application is raised and submitted to the Locality, SBNF then provides invoices which are sent to the Locality for approval. The most recent application was raised on 4th February for just under £4,000 to fund the new website and to pay for our planning consultant services (Mike Gibson).
Election of officers Prior to the election of new officers, the Chairman thanked our management committee members and leaders of our working groups Maurice Pitchford (Community Engagement) & Jenny Tindall (Sustainability) who have both sent apologies due to illness. Apologies also received from Emma Whelan. Thanks to the following people were also noted: Howard Carter and Linton Wightman, Julia Watts, Maggie Taylor and Joss Loader
The following officers resigned from the Committee during 2014 and were thanked for their work: * Vice Chairman – Joss Loader - contributed as Ex-officio Committee Member as Chair of SBRA * Treasurer: Julia Watts - replaced by Emma Whelan * Secretary: Sarah Howarth - new Secretary to be elected * Membership Secretary: Maggie Taylor - not replaced
Officers for 2016 were confirmed as follows: * Chairman: Dawn Clenton-Sparey * Vice Chairman: John Haffenden The following new officers were proposed by Dawn Clenton-Sparey and seconded by * John Haffenden: * Treasurer: Melissa Onslow – unanimously agreed. * Secretary: Viki Carter – unanimously agreed. * Membership Secretary In the light of experience, it was proposed by John Haffenden & seconded by Emma Whelan to amend the Constitution to delete the Membership Secretary from the list of Committee Officers. This role will form part of the Secretary role taken on by Viki Carter. This was unanimously agreed.
Election of Committee members
Committee members wishing to continue in 2016: Cllr Ben Stride, Maurice Pitchford, Jenny Tindall, Emma Whelan, Howard Carter.
New committee members Maria Johnson (nee Sanchez) proposed by Dawn Clenton-Sparey & Seconded by John Haffenden – unanimously agreed.
The contribution of SBRA to the development of the Neighbourhood Plan This item was amended to an explanation of the Neighbourhood Plan given jointly by Dawn Clenton-Sparey & Cllr Ben Stride. Dawn gave a brief introduction into the Neighbourhood plan and what it is - clarifying that it’s not Neighbourhood Watch or SBRA although SBNF management committee is appreciative of support received from SBRA. Dawn & Cllr Ben Stride spoke about the Neighbourhood Plan and the process involved. The Neighbourhood plan was originally started as a reaction to development and the issue of ‘two for one’ development on Shoreham Beach. However, it encompasses many other things including: the highway network; flooding and drainage; businesses on the Beach – many of which are individuals working from home. Different working groups have been set up to consider all the separate areas. It is possible to never get a plan finished as it keeps expanding. Now is the stage when SBNF intend to start reining back in to deliverables, including business, transport and movement, community facilities, leisure areas and green spaces. Once SBNF has feedback from the local community the relevant detail will form the Neighbourhood Plan which will be a legal document have to be taken account of by developers and planning committee when deciding on planning applications. Mike Gibson (Planning Consultant) assists with this stage of the process – ensuring the plan is documented and doesn’t create any loopholes. This document will form a draft Neighbourhood Plan which will be voted on by the local community – 51% of those who vote must be in favour of the plan for it to be approved. Dawn stated that all those in attendance were welcome to ask questions of the committee about the plan and thanked everyone for coming and emphasised SBNF Management Committee members and Mike Gibson would be present and available throughout the remainder of the day for any issues, questions or comments to be raised directly. John drew everyone’s attention to the programme for the Have Your Say Day which followed the AGM – see Appendix 3.
AOB Cllr Liza McKinney (Shoreham Beach Residents’ Association) stated that she wished to be clear that the SBNF ideas are not SBRA’s. SBNF is totally independent from SBRA. SBRA are not in a position to say yes or no to the proposed Neighbourhood Plan until the draft comes forward. At that stage SBRA will need to gauge the response of all residents on the Beach as to what’s on offer and SBRA will then be able to come forward with a proper statement.
Questions from attendees:
What is the timeline for the plan & are any statutory limitations on the timeline? Dawn stated SBNF were aiming to have an early stage draft plan in June 2016. This plan needs input from the people of Shoreham Beach. Mike added there are no statutory limitations on the timeline. Across the country there have been 1000 plans commenced since 2011, most in parishes but about 80 or so in urban areas, 100 or so have got through to the end of the process and are now sitting alongside city plans. Examples were given of Birmingham which took 4 years from inception to plan and Hove - 3 years (not completed yet). Mike Gibson responded that there is a clear process for this: establishing the issues and taking into account a range of views before assembling the evidence hopefully in the Spring. On basis of that draft policies will be sent out to people via the website and people will be able to consult informally. There will then be a 6-week statutory consultation on draft plan – the current aim is for this to happen over the Summer. After this a draft Neighbourhood Plan will be submitted to local authority who will consider it, feed back, then the independent planning inspector will examine it and the referendum will take place. If the referendum votes yes to the plan it is added to the local authority plans and adopted as part of the wider local plan. This will be a long process which should be completed next year. The Neighbourhood Plan must not contradict the Adur & Worthing local plan and therefore SBNF Management Committee are working closely - with regular meeting’s - alongside Adur & Worthing District Council on this. To be approved, the plan must have over 50% of the vote in the final referendum – everyone in the area over legal voting age is eligible to vote in the referendum.
How will information about the Neighbourhood Plan reach people? Dawn asked for further support from local residents to help SBNF do that by talking to neighbours - for example - and directing them to the website. Cllr Liza McKinney enquired about reaching people who don’t use websites. Mike Gibson responded that if we can identify people who don’t have internet access leaflets can be put through their door. John also added that the Beach Household Survey was delivered to every house on the beach – around 10% of households responded which is in line with what would be expected for a survey of this type. A question was raised regarding reaching all the flats on the Beach and it was acknowledged that with security doors etc this was not always possible but anyone who knows people in the flats should ask them to get in touch with SBNF if they are interested in receiving information.
Joss Loader (Chair – SBRA) asked what percentage of other Neighbourhood Plans have been approved? Mike G stated that all that have gone to referendum have been approved although some get delayed before the referendum. The aim is to iron out any issues prior to that stage via public consultation.