SBNF Winter 2020 Update for Beach News
We publish updates about the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan in every edition of Beach News. Here's a copy of the latest update from our Engagement Officer: Shoreham Beach Neighbourhood Forum’s application to be re-designated was duly taken to Adur District Council’s Joint Strategic Committee (JSC) in July. The JSC, comprising Executive Members from the Council's ruling Conservative Group, required further information before it could reach a final decision. To assist the JSC, the Forum has produced an Action Plan to address the matters raised at the July meeting. In addition the Forum has requested a meeting with ADC Planning Officers ahead of the meeting of the JSC to review progress on the emerging Neighbourhood Plan and agree the programme of work needed to complete it. A joint meeting between committee members of the Forum and of Shoreham Beach Residents’ Association (SBRA), chaired by the County Councillor for Shoreham South, Cllr Kevin Boram, was held on October 12th to seek SBRA support for redesignation. SBRA has agreed to a further meeting with SBNF to discuss the emerging Neighbourhood Plan. It is the hope and ambition of the Forum that all this work will secure the JSC’s approval for re-designation in December. The Forum will then be in a position to press ahead to complete the process of producing the Draft Neighbourhood Plan early in the New Year for full consultation with Beach residents in the Spring. After any final amendments, the Forum will submit the Plan to ADC who will organise an Independent Examination and a Referendum when all Marine Ward residents on the Electoral Register will be able to vote. The Forum is keen to encourage further engagement with the community to help refine the Neighbourhood Plan. We strongly encourage residents to join the Forum and participate in our consultation events. This is your opportunity to have a say in the future development of the Beach. Visit the Forum website for full details. Alternatively you can contact the Chair of the Management Committee , Cllr Dave Collins, on 07956 759949 or via the contact form . You can read the full magazine here > #Press