Final Report on concepts for school expansion and Beach Green development by independent planning sp
Final report: Background Many ideas, suggestions and options about development opportunities have emerged from our community engagement work over the past two years. Inevitably there are competing views – what to some residents is an opportunity to improve the Beach may be seen as a threat by others. Moreover, some developments could be implemented in the first five years of the plan period, whereas others will not be feasible until later and may eventually prove to be non-deliverable within the 15 year life-time of the Neighbourhood Plan. The Shoreham Beach Neighbourhood Forum made a successful bid for an Urban Design Consultancy Package from the Government programme for supporting communities preparing Neighbourhood Plans. Thus independent planning and urban design consultants AECOM have prepared sketch schemes to help Beach residents to more fully understand the potential development opportunities which have been identified by residents. Objective Ideas for potential development up to 2031 These schemes are not firm proposals but they are technically feasible. They were presented to enable residents to discuss them with independent external professionals and express their opinions (or offer alternatives). Feedback from residents was reviewed by AECOM and SBNF as an evidence base for site specific interventions across the Neighbourhood Plan area. Following on from the consultation exercise, it was agreed that there was sufficient interest in delivering an improved school facility to warrant the preparation of two additional spatial options. Consequently, AECOM prepared the following options: Beach Green Option 3 This option is based on Beach Green Option 2, but with a primary school instead of residential development on the car park. As with Beach Green Option 2, the car park moves towards the middle of the open space. Split School Site Several consultees suggested retaining the school site in some form of community use. Following on from these suggestions, it was agreed that there might be merit in looking at a school option which provided for nursery and Key Stage 1 (up to 7 years) in a new facility on the existing site and Key Stage 2 (7-11) in a new facility on the Harbour Way Industrial site. Both of these new facilities would provide additional community provision for the wider community, which would be available outside school hours. This short report comprises the following: • Section 2 of the document sets out the rationale for choosing the sites which formed the basis of the options exercise; • Section 3 provides detail as to the options; • Section 4 records the responses from the public events held in October 2016; • Section 5 offers additional spatial options arising from that consultation exercise, and • Section 6 provides a summary of the outputs. Final report: All feedback from October 2016 Have Your Say Days: #BeachGreen #school #design #AECOM #planning #housing