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SBNF Officers Meeting Minutes - June 2022

16 June 2022 at 19.00

Meeting Room D at The Shoreham Centre


1. Approval of previous meeting minutes

2. Treasurer's Report (JM)

3. NP Health Check funding (MG)

4. Possible dates for an on site meeting with Pippa Reece re MUGA location

5. Update of draft NP to Revision 5 (MW).

6. AOB

1. Approval of previous meeting minutes

DC opened the meeting and proposed that the minutes of the May committee meeting be approved. There were no objections and the meeting minutes were duly signed. Copies of the approved minutes to be circulated.

Action KH

2. Treasurer’s Report

JM stated that he had submitted SBNF’s application to Locality for 2022-23 funding. Locality has acknowledged receipt of the application but cannot progress it until an accountable body has been assigned to receive the grant funds. Locality suggested the local authority may be able to receive funding on the forum’s behalf. DC stated he has already contacted Adur Planning officers in this regard.

DC also said that the issue of funding is critical to the completion of the Neighbourhood Plan. Without funding the Forum would be unable to produce updated information displays showing the status of the NP for future Have Your Say Days, not to mention the cost of venue hire. The committee members present concurred with this view. DC said he would circulate, for approval by the committee, a draft email to the Planning Officers explaining the critical nature of funding to the Forum’s future.

DC also suggested that SBRA might qualify as an accountable body for Locality. This needs to be verified.

Action DC

3. NP Health Check funding

MG had an action from the May meeting to contact Locality regarding funding for the NP “Health Check”. He was unable to attend the meeting but sent a message to the committee regarding this. Due to pressure of work he has been unable to complete the action but will contact Locality as soon as he returns from his current business trip.

Action MG

4. Possible dates for an on site meeting with Pippa Reece re MUGA location

DC reminded the committee there was an open invitation for an on site meeting with Pippa Reece (Adur & Worthing Parks Manager) to discuss the possible locations for the proposed Multi Use Games Area. DC suggested the forum submit a number of possible dates the meeting could take place in July. Various dates were discussed and DC will contact Adur Planning suggesting July 5th, 12th and 19th for consideration.

Action DC

5. Update of draft NP to Revision 5

MW has begun updating the draft NP as a result of a review meeting held last month with DC, JM and MW attending. However further comment has been received from Adur Planning which needs to be incorporated. Updating 3D graphics used to illustrate the NP will incur software licensing costs of approximately £230 which currently cannot be funded. It was felt that such graphics are very informative and should be retained if possible.

Action MW

5. AOB

The next committee meeting will be held on Thursday July 21st at 19.00 at the Shoreham Centre.

Meeting closed at 19.40.



Dave Collins (DC) Chair

Kevin Hall (KH) Vice Chair

Jonathan Marshall (JM) Treasurer

Mike Whelan (MW) Secretary

Apologies for absence received from:

James Breckell (JB) Architect

Mike Gibson (MG) Planning Consultant

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