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Green Group minutes - March 2017

  • GB1 on Local Green Spaces (LGS)

LGS is not only for leisure, LGS are for areas:

reasonably close proximity to the community it serves” and “where the green area is demonstrably special to a local community and holds a particular local significance, for example because of its beauty, historic significance, recreational value (including as a playing field), tranquillity or richness of its wildlife."

1- Beach Green: majority supports

Despite Town & Village Green (TVG) by SBRA going ahead

Still some uncertainty over the regulations attached to the TVG status

(i.e.temporary fencing and vehicle access for leisure activities such as Beach Dream festival)


Howard Porter & David Collins to investigate and report on TVG rules and regulations

Gwenn to contact Dan Ross from Adur to help clarifying

2- Adur Rec: majority supports

Despite complex ownership:

  • AOAC building is owned by WSCC

  • AOAC site, Adur owns the and lease it to WSCC

  • The green field belong to Adur and was donated to “the people of Shoreham”

3- Falcon Close: majority supports

Currently owner by WSCC and designated as a roundabouts. It was felt that it could benefit from some level of protection and from simple principles covered by GB3. Ownership and its current designation as a traffic island and its future use could be investigated further.

4- LNR: majority decides to withdraw from the list

It was felt that the Beach already benefited from a life time best level of protection as a Nature reserve.

Corridors are included in the LNR. LNR management committee will have to agree on anything happening to those corridors.

5- Soldiers Point: more details needed

Clarification of the named area is needed


  • John Charlish to contact Gary Baines & Sharon Penfold from the friends of Shoreham Beach for more information on their work and the impact of the Environment Agency work at W1

  • Jacky to contact the Port Authorities (already acted upon please confer attached email correspondance )

  • John, jacky and Gwenn to attend a site field trip

6- Silver Sand: more details needed

Jacky and the Friends of Shoreham Beach are already working in collaboration with the Port Authorities to protect the “Pink Childing” flowers as rare protected species in that location. It has proposed and is currently in discussion with the Port to designated it as a ‘Local Wildlife Site’ (the new name for SNCI).


Jacky to share correspondance with the Port on that matter ( already acted upon)

Gwenn and anyone else to go to the E.A. ‘s head quarter on Beach Green car park to clarify where the flood defence will be on Silver Sand.

7- Fort: probably unnecessary

The Fort is already listed as an Historical monument.

Would there be an interest to any green spaces surrounding the Fort to become an LGS?


John to investigate with Friends of Shoreham Fort


The main issues are to define the limits of the concerned areas and the feasibility of the nomination depending on the land ownership and the evidence of support and eligibility that can be gathered for the application itself.

It would also be very important to further understand the limitation that we would self imposed on the areas in term of use and access and level of landscaping then allowed.

  • GB2 on Trees

The majority felt that the promotion of tree planting was not necessarily the best way forward on the beach as the aspects, soil ( or lack of) and the character of the beach allows open views and make tree growing a potential hardship.

However the idea to incorporate it into GB3 was strongly supported.

  • GB3 on Landscaping

It was decided to create a database of suitable plants including trees, shrubs, herbaceous perennials, annuals including native vegetation of tour unique Shingle Beach. Some advice on planting, flowering seasons, wildlife interests and habitats, water management, pockets parks...

This policy should strongly encourage residents, local authorities and developers would be encouraged to consult with expert bodies such as Friends of Shoreham Beach and the Local Nature reserve management committee when planning for landscaping.


John to send plant list from Mayberry Garden Centre ( already acted upon)

  • GB4 on Energy

Majority supported to scrap the idea of a specific solution on Adur rec but would like to see a more generic support to renewable energy.

The idea that the community could benefit from a form of Sustainable Energy collective/committee was expressed.(badly by me)

This entity could behold & seek information on the energy efficiency or community income generation matter, possibly advise, crowd funds or support communal and individual initiatives.


It was expressed by some that no further actual meeting was needed from this point as long as some email correspondence was to follow. People present agreed to have their email addresses shared within the group. And no one not present expressed the desire to stay anonymous therefore emails will be circulated freely from now on.

The majority of the people present at this meeting did not feel the need for further policies.

However, I ( Gwenn ) would like to put forward some potential further ideas to be developed such as Waste management and signage campaign (better bin usage), Water management, Recycling and Composting, Sustainability by relevance of shops & services to minimise Carbon footprint. Promotion of & education on the Beach Green Assets. And finer tuning on Sustainability within Communal facilities to complement the Regeneration policies.

Those present

Jacky Woolcock (LNR +FOSB)

John Charlish (FOSB)

Howard Porter (SBNF)

Maurice Pitchford (SBNF+SBRA)

David Collins (SBNF+SBRA)

Tony (SBRA)

Maureen Ashley (SBRA)

Gwenn Parker-Tregoat (SBNF)

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