Wednesday 19th October The Harbour Club
Present/ Maurice Pitchford, Ben Stride, Mike Whelan, Gwenn Parker Trégoat, David Collins, John Haffenden, Dawn Clenton-Sparey, Mike Gibson - Planning Consultant
Apologies: Viki Carter, Melissa Onslow, Howard Carter
2. Review of minutes from previous meeting - unanimously approved
Action Points from minutes: Community Facilities Working Group meeting. Carried forward as action: - minutes/notes to be finalised & send to all attendees of this Community Facilities Working Group - WSCC have emailed to say they will be in a position to forward school figures by the end of November 2016.
Carried forward as update: all management committee members to send their photo for website - ideally by 9th November 2016
All WG leaders to email working groups with update/link to website asking if people want to be active member (instructions as to how to email all WG members in Appendix 1).
Regeneration WG to discuss Ferry Road/mobile/broadband speeds
Letter to be sent to arrange meeting with local organisations/stakeholders
Mike G to circulate work done by ‘businesses/employment Working Group
Mike W and Mike G to work on script version of 3D model and feed into document
David C to cross reference Local Plan to ensure familiar with relevant regeneration info
3. Co-option of new member of Management Committee: Howard Porter Howard is making a valuable contribution to the Regeneration Working Group and has a detailed knowledge of the development history of the Beach and the current operation of the planning system on the Beach. Proposed by DC-S, seconded by David Collins and agreed unanimously
4. Have Your Say Day – review discussion JH: very positive response from residents - younger crowd- more time needed for next event to build in - to ensure sufficient preparation- more help needed to put up exhibition(s) on the dayHYSD statistics: 93 new members - total membership 568 (60% of our target to 1000 membership)190 total visitors/signed in70 Thursday + 120 Saturday Action: ensure all HYSD material is online as promised from HYSD with options for continued feedback DCS: thanked all as team/effort to produce HYSD and all work required General comments made on further simplifying/communicating vision, aims, objectives - need to ask members and the wider community for more help with next HYSD events Ben Stride: people appeared to stay for a while at the event- some people found there was ‘too much’ information - the video was really well received and very interesting- general expression of a need for a drafting meeting/as preparation next time
Action: Working Groups to produce material in time for Management Committee to review in advance of HYSD
DC: need to write up jobs/tasks to make event happen/and be more specific on what is needed as defined help/tasks - to enable the event to be more streamlined (ie. moving furniture/printing/transporting exhibition to venue/collecting exhibition stands etc)
Action: MW’s ‘event planning approach’ should be fully used for next HYSD
GPT: Steve Savage/FOSB as local organisation present with a stand at the event - had positive impact and great to get children engaged/positive step towards further/greater collaboration (crucial to the work on sustainability and the Forum in general) Action; further focus and need to engage/outreach – new volunteer came forward at HYSD – DC-S and GTP to action next steps (Jo - a Meadway resident - has volunteered to help with this/will be invited to attend the Community Facilities Working Group)
SBRA Management Committee Feedback – email received from Joss Loader at 8.30pm the night before the Committee meeting – this first written feedback was welcomed Action: - Forum to respond fully after November Committee meeting when SBNF members have taken time to consider SBRA comments - MG: to confirm the following advice on two issues: in law, the Forum has been designated for 5 years; the Forum Constitution does not require the Committee to have a councillor on the SBNF Management Committee- SBRA Management Committee requested a joint meeting - readily agreed as we have been seeking such a meeting for a long time. Date/time and arrangements to be confirmed at next SBNF Committee meeting - target date late November/early December
5. Next Have Your Say Day – general discussion of proposed approximate timing, MG advised that this should take place after draft policies have been discussed with and screened by Adur Council/WSCC - then combined into the Draft Plan. Thus next HYSD is likely to be early in New Year
6. Stakeholders meeting – Actions: Stakeholder meetings: Emma Whelan as leader of the Community Engagement Working Group will organise a programme of engagement with Stakeholder’s on the Beach to follow up from HYSD.
Stakeholder meeting with SBRA: This will be the first priority meeting
Action: to be arranged for end of November/early December - after next SBNF Management Committee)
• Other Stakeholder/Local organisations (Sailing club, FoSB, Friends of Shoreham Fort, Church of Good Shepherd, Port Authority and others) - ideally meet jointly with SBRA.
DC-S emphasised the Forum had made sustained efforts to engage with these groups. Action: we should ask SBRA to work with us to organise this meeting - when we meet the
SBRA Committee
• Shoreham Beach Primary School Sam Payton (Chairman of Governors) has emailed MG/DC-S to request a meeting -agreed that MG (with two Committee members) will meet Sam and Head teacher and to clarify the role of the NP and the potential opportunities in relation to school provision Action: MG to reply to SP to acknowledge request and agree meeting date
MP: questioned the time being given to this issue as ‘nothing will happen within the Plan period’ MG: pointed to residents’ concerns expressed about the capacity of the school, the fact that the Plan Period runs for 15 years, the wider debate about the need for additional provision in central Shoreham. And that James Appleton had requested a discussion about this issue as part of the follow-up to HYSD
Action: MG to produce a note for the next Committee meeting which would respond to this view (in the light of the discussion with Sam and the Head Teacher) and would be used further in our discussions with James Appleton
7. AECOM AECOM has submitted a draft final report which needs to be signed off by 25th OctoberMW: ‘WHAT IF?’ – feedback shows that when we put the AECOM work online it would have to be carefully branded - the school sites options as work created by an independent and impartial organisation - .i.e branded in yellow as opposed to magenta/pink as per SBNF
Action: MG to request/contact AECOM to provide 3rd school site option on Beach Green as this had been suggested by residents. To also confirm government guidelines for the minimum requirement of ‘outdoor space’ for primary schools are advisory, not compulsory
8. SBNF Working groups
Action: Every group leader to analyse feedback forms for their area of work
Community engagement Action: effort to be focused on programme of stakeholder meetings to discuss emerging Draft Plan in advance of the next HYSD
It was confirmed that Working Group meeting notes (as with notes produced by all Working Groups) are part of Forum’ internal management processes and thus (unlike Committee Agendas/Minutes) are not made public online.
Community facilities
WSCC engagement via Lydia and Cllr. Mick Clark is very welcome and to be carried forward into the next meeting, as WSCC has the major role in providing community facilities
Actions: DC-S to finalise Working Group meeting/notes and send to participants,
MP to organise the next meeting (after the SBNF meeting with Sam Payton)
c . Transport & movement
MW: reported that people are concerned and becoming increasingly more engaged in a wide range of issues
Action: MW: to arrange to work with FOSB other organisations and individual members who have contacted SBNF during and since the HYSD
Regeneration DC: was given feedback forms to copy and return to MW
Action: DC to plan agenda for next Regeneration WG meeting and fix a date
Sustainability - form a group new members needed
GTP: had attended the South East Conference of the National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces - a UK network of area wide Forums that exists ‘to promote, protect and improve the UK’s parks and green spaces by linking together all the Friends and Users of Forums throughout the country’. A key Neighbourhood Plan Draft Policy is the designation and improvement of Local Green Spaces. It was agreed that it would be very useful for the Forum to explore practical actions ways to protect and improve communal green spaces – through community engagement in fund raising for the making and maintenance of green spaces . This could be focused on the creation of a group ‘Friends of Shoreham Beach Green Spaces’ DCS: mentioned ‘Field in Trust’ an organisation for the protection of Green Spaces Action: GTP to email all who expressed an interest in Green Neighbourhood issues (& Jacqui/Joy from FoSB/Steve Savage/Chloe Rose from RSPB…) to recruit members for the Group and to organise the next meeting
9. Funding DC-S: reported (in the Treasurers absence) that we will soon receive the promised £300 from council which paid for the HYSD banners etc for promoting HYSD as agreed by Committee.
MG: reminded the Committee that when the Forum achieved designation (December 2014) the Council (as the Local Planning Authority) received a government grant of £5,000 to support the development of the Neighbourhood Plan. The Council provided SBNF with £1,711 used to commission the Household Survey undertaken by Joss Loader in 2014. He advised that it would be worth asking if Adur Council could make a further contribution from the £5,000 and that we should also approach WSCC which has a Neighbourhood Planning unit – via Lydia and Cllr Mick Clark
MW: Raised the possibility of ‘Crowd Funding’ as a route to source further #funding
JH: suggested that there are real possibilities for raising funds from private sources Action : JH, as vice-chair, to work with the Treasurer to explore potential sources for funding to be further discussed at the next meeting.
Date of next meeting; November 9th – to be confirmed.