Wednesday 24th November
Harbour Club
Summary Agenda
Resignations & New members Working group reports
5. Beach Cafe
6. Have Your Say day / AGM 7. Treasurer update
8. Working Groups update
9. SBRA Engagement
Present/ Maurice Pitchford(MP), Mike Whelan(MW), Gwenn Parker Trégoat(GPT), David Collins(DC), John Haffenden(JH), Howard Carter(HC) Mike Gibson(MG) - Planning Consultant
Apologies: Ben Stride,Dawn Clenton-Sparey
Resignations- these were noted
Howard Carter joined the committee .Co-option of new member of Management Committee: Jacqui Bandy(JB) was co-opted unanimously
4. Review of minutes from previous meeting. Co-option of new member of Management Committee: Action Points from previous minutes:
Community Facilities Working Group meeting. Carried forward as action: See minute 5e - WSCC have emailed to say they will be in a position to forward school figures by the end of November 2016- no response received
Carried forward as update: all management committee members to send their photo for website - ideally by 9th November 2016- no update
All WG leaders to email working groups with update/link to website asking if people want to be active member (instructions as to how to email all WG members in Appendix 1).- no report
Regeneration WG to discuss Ferry Road/mobile/broadband speeds- no report
Letter to be sent to arrange meeting with local organisations/stakeholders- no report
Mike G to circulate work done by ‘businesses/employment Working Group- see minute 5c
Mike W and Mike G to work on script version of 3D model and feed into document- no report
David C to cross reference Local Plan to ensure familiar with relevant regeneration info
see minute 5c
5.Working Group reports
a. Community Engagement ( MG)
MG explained meeting with JB and that he was confident that she would be a valuable asset to the Forum. Discussion took place on the need to have a meeting with the school and that a meeting with SBRA was needed possibly before the SBRA AGM at the end of Feb 2017.
James Appleton had agreed to facilitate meetings for the Forum, however no progress on this was available It was also felt that WSCC should be more involved and that Lydia ( WSCC) should be asked to facilitate a meeting.
b. Transport and Movement (MW)
MW showed the committee some IT projections on potential footpaths links across and under the A259. He advised that he was in contact with WSCC, Ricardo, and the EA, and that various meetings to develop areas that his group had a focus upon were planned shortly. Parking on the beach continues to be a topic for discussion.
c. Regeneration (DC)
DC outlined the way in which his group ran, and that he would forward bullet points to the chairman shortly for distribution.
d. Green and Blue (GPT)
GPT indicated that she was having issues gathering all her group together as availability was key however she was moving ahead with various topics aided by others. DC offered assistance to ensure that the reporting back was given to the committee, this was accepted and DC and GPT are to meet.
e. Community Facility (MP)
MP reported that nothing had happened with his group.
It was generally agreed that Working Group leaders needed to have a much closer liaison and that MG would be the ideal person to drive this forward. The Working group leaders should forward notes and recommendations etc to the Chairman, who would then circulate to the committee.
6. Next HYSD this was discussed and it was generally felt that we need to ensure we have all of the information we want to show at that event clearly worked up and then to spend time ensuring it is all up to date . It was also decided that we should have the draft plan available at the next HYSD.
7. AECOM although AECOM had completed the work, we have not yet received the final corrected report- this is needed and should be chased by?
8. Funding etc this area was discussed, various suggestions.
The situation re the council funding is still less than clear, and this issue need to be bottomed out.
MW would forward ideas on crowd funding and other ideas to the committee for consideration.
We should approach WSCC Lydia to assist in funding.
DC advised that SBRA had assisted the houseboat owners and that as SBRA are a major stakeholder in the area, they would be able to assist in funding and fundraising, and a meeting to explore this should take place .
9. The concept of Xmas drinks was discussed and although it could be a positive move, with no funding it was not sure how this would work.
At the end of the meeting MP asked for the analysis of the recent HYSD, as chairman I
advised that I would request that this is looked into.
Next meeting 7th DEC 2016 venue etc to be confirmed.
JH Vice- Chairman and acting as chairman and minute taker.