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Management Committee minutes - July 2016

Updated: Nov 24, 2020

The Harbour Club

Apologies – Howard Carter, Jennie Tindall, David Collins, Melissa Onslow, Maria Johnson, John Haffenden and Emma Whelan

Minutes & Actions from Committee Meeting 8th June 2016 – Minutes unanimously approved

a) Mike Whelan to send link to relevant part of the website: to each working group leader - done There was some discussion around location of useful resources on the website and the google drive. It was noted that each working group has an email group in the Shoreham Beach Forum gmail account for contacting all who have expressed an interest in being a member b) Viki to send link to relevant google drive folder to each working group leader – done c) Mike Whelan to promote solar ferry feasibility study – done d) Maria to send a word document final version of household survey to Mike W – done e) Dawn to forward Beach Green Development plans to AECOM – done f) Community Engagement group to make a list of stakeholders and make initial contact – Dawn/Emma – see attached list of stakeholders g) Viki to email Mike Gibson for dates and circulate a Doodle link to confirm availability with Gwenn, Melissa, Maria & Maurice – to be actioned – Mike G has sent dates to Dawn to circulate.

3. Beach Green Development a) Developer: Public consultation 19th & 20th July 3.30-8pm Beach Green Primary School Those who attended reported that there were A5 feedback forms for the developer but no register of attendance so its not known how many people attended. An offer of a stand at the next Have Your Say Day has been made to the architect/developer.

There was discussion as to whether SBNF need to have a view on the development however it was felt not appropriate at this stage, as there is no detail as to when or if a planning application will be submitted. SBNF will revisit this at such a time as an application is submitted

b) Update re: SBNF contact with SBRA re cycle path

ACTION: BF to next committee meeting (as Ben Stride was not present to feedback)

4. Revision of make-up of working groups/leaders/members and SBNF management committee – see revised list attached

Mike Gibson suggested adding each person’s street name to the list on the website so people can see everyone is a Beach resident. There was also discussion around photos and maybe a short biog.

ACTION: Dawn to email SBNF working groups with update and link to website asking if people want to be active members. (All those in the working groups email group are individuals who have at some point expressed an interest in being a working group member) (DCS: still to do)

Mike Gibson stated that each working group should now be addressing issues and aspirations for the Beach. Once there are draft policies they will need to consult with all stakeholders.

a) Community Facilities i. WSCC/school provision

There was discussion around whether the school should be in the plan as education is the responsibility of WSCC not ADC. Mike Gibson confirmed that although the Neighbourhood Plan will sit within ADC’s planning department it is not specific to ADC and SBNF can consider WSCC issues so therefore can consider the school. Policies can be considered in light of WSCC plans however there is currently no clarity in WSCC primary school provision plans. Dawn sent a letter regarding this last Summer which has been followed up since with no defined response from WSCC.

Dawn added that the SBNF has to consider infrastructure and there is a knock on effect with transport too in particular if children go to school off the beach.

It was noted that capacity could potentially be increased by building upwards which was a view also expressed by Giuseppe from AECOM (who is an architect) however concerns were raised about potential lack of additional outdoor space. An annex or an alternative site could also be considered (including the industrial area on Harbour Way should it ever become available at some point in the future).

ii. Community Engagement and Community Facilities to begin working together to connect with stakeholders/local organisations. Mike Whelan noted that there is some FB interaction with stakeholders ‘liking’ the SBNF page and vice versa so there is some cross promotion. It was agreed there should be a stakeholders meeting in early September prior to the next HYSD day.

ACTION: BF organising stakeholders meeting to next management committee meeting. (DCS to do/arrange/plan)

ACTION: Emma/Dawn & Gwenn to meet to discuss the Community Engagement Working Group. (DCS to do)

b) Transport and Movement i. Mike Whelan presented some draft 'Master Plans' laid out on maps of the Beach which were done to inform AECOM. He explained they were tailored and themed for each working group. The plans indicate issues and opportunities suggested by the community through the engagement process. Mike W asked all working group leaders to look at the opportunities and decide what to could become site allocations and what could be displayed at the HYSD.

ACTION: Mike Whelan to set up Transport & Movement working group meeting

c) Regeneration – have been in touch with some stakeholders as part of their work. It was noted that John Haffenden had stood down as working group leader and new committee member David Collins will take over.

ACTION: Meeting for all working group leaders and Mike Gibson to discuss what has been done so far and what needs to be done – Dawn to arrange (DCS Done)

ACTION: Briefing paper to be prepared on what the Working Groups have done so far – Mike G.

d) Sustainable Green Neighbourhood – Gwenn is now also involved with this. Jennie has done some work, been to a Sustainability workshop – this information will form part of the briefing paper Mike G is preparing.

5. Vision, Aim & Objectives a) Vision b) Process c) Stakeholders d) Comment on aims and objectives circulated by Gwenn, with reference to progress: how all work - achieved to date - feeds into to them (with all working group leaders e) Identify any gaps in the objectives f) Agree plan (on liaising with working group members) to address any gaps - prior to 22nd July

Gwenn has prepared a ‘Matrix’ for each Working Group addressing the above

(f) Agree plan.

ACTION: Matrix to be circulated to the management committee for feedback – attached. (DCS Done)

6. Have Your Say Day Provisional dates: Friday 30th September and Saturday 1st October 2016. Provisional location: Beach Primary School (awaiting confrimation from school)

WSCC volunteer scheme – Dawn has received an email regarding this from ADC ACTION: Follow up on ADC volunteer scheme email – Dawn. (DCS Done)

Contents of HYSD – ‘creative’ children’s competition (writing/art-based/other) – various ideas were discussed including taking a group of children cycling round the Beach to inspire a piece of artwork. Gwenn’s husband could do a workshop with the children to feed into a poster design. Other sources for possible funding/routes of support: Mike Gibson confirmed there was no more funding available from Locality. Other possibilities discussed: Approaching ADC for some of the £5,000 they were allocated when the Forum was set up of which SBNF have received £1,700 so far. ACTION: Dawn to contact Lydia Schilbach (Communications WSCC) re providing/ potential contribution via WSCC the school free of charge. ACTION: Dawn & Gwenn to explore other options.

7. AECOM - technical support - Dawn Discuss AECOM initial aims and objectives & update Mike Gibson reported that AECOM were proceeding on the basis of coming up with ideas for Beach Green and the industrial site on Harbour Way. Further work AECOM have already visited the Beach and will produce something by end of August for the HYSD. Giuseppe from AECOM will attend HYSD. ACTION: Send Framework document to AECOM – Mike Whelan.

8. Any other business Date of next meeting’s proposed as: Weds 10th August Weds 7th September Weds 12th October

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