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Have Your Say Day - Agenda - Feb 2016

Aims: of the Have Your Say Day

  • to promote further discussion of the issues and options for the Neighbourhood Plan that have emerged so far in our community engagement work;

  • to establish the range of views on options for the future of Shoreham Beach which can be taken forward into the development of Neighbourhood Development Plan draft policies that will be the focus of a fourth event in April; and

  • to enable the event to be as interactive as possible

11.30 Welcome

Dawn Clenton-Sparey, Chairman Shoreham Beach Neighbourhood Forum

11.35 Introduction to the Workshop Programme

Mike Gibson Neighbourhood Plan Adviser and workshop facilitator

  • Shoreham Beach Neighbourhood Plan 2016-2031 – progress to date and work in-progress

  • The three workshops - content and organisation

  • The Shoreham Beach Green Café - discussion

11.50 Whole Group Workshop

The Shoreham Beach Café Green - Initial Concept

  • The Adur District Council invitation for expressions of interest - James Appleton ADC

  • Presentation by Wilbo’s - ADC’s ‘preferred developer’ CDMS Architects

  • Questions and Answers

12.45 Small Group Workshops

- participants are encouraged to move around from table to table

Table 1 Potential development /re-development issues and options for key sites

  • Existing car parks: No change? Improve? Change of use? To what?

  • Industrial area Harbour Way: No change ? Redevelop for housing? Sheltered housing? Or what?

  • Shoreham Sailing Club: No change? Long term change to multi-use – school and sailing facilities?

  • Site adjacent to the Old Fort: No change? or what?

  • Depot/Angling Club (behind Mardyke Road): No change? Change of use? To what?

  • Kings Crescent /Kings Gap mixed use site: No change? Change of use? To what?

  • Any other sites ?

Table 2 Community facilities, green spaces and landscaping

  • Shoreham Beach Primary School: No change? Medium to long term change to 2031: increase capacity what do you think? Have Your say? Leave comments

  • Responses about other community facilities from Household Survey: What are your priorities?

  • Beach Green:No change? Improve existing play facilities? Add new facilities? Landscaping? Or what ?

  • Falcon Close : No change ? Improvement? - landscaping ? – seating – small scale play facilities? or what?

  • Burrells Roundabout: No change? Landscaping? Redesign junction to remove roundabout and release accessible space for planting and seating ? Or what?

  • Adur Outdoor Activities Centre and Recreation Ground

  • Allow it to be taken over by an existing leisure operator locally and be turned into yet another gym/leisure centre or:

  • Allow an operator with a vision to create a location that will provide the facilities to inspire youth and work with local children and adults to enjoy both outdoor and associated activities

Table 3 Transport and Movement

  • Parking: Please add to/or endorse post-it comments left by participants in the October Have Your Say Day ?

  • Pedestrian movement: Pedestrian crossings – are there enough of them? are they in the right place? Please add to/or endorse post-it comments left by participants in the October Have Your Say Day

  • Exercise loop(s): Yes please or no thank you. If yes - which routes/sections of the illustrative routes are your priorities?

  • Cycle network: Sustrans plus what? What are your priorities for extending the cycle network?

Table 4 The Shoreham Beach Neighbourhood Forum’s new model website

Drawing on our experience of the last 12 months - particularly understanding what neighbourhood planning is all about and the challenges of enabling as many local people to contribute directly – we have commissioned a local designer to produce an up-graded website.

You can go to table 4 to find out how you can be part of the discussion on-line. We welcome your feedback.

14.00 Final Discussion – contributions from the floor on the issues discussed at each of the tables

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