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Management Committee minutes - July 2015

Church of The Good Shepherd

28th July 2015

1. Minutes – approved from the last meeting

2. Resignations from Committee

a. Julia & Maggie’s resignations were noted

b. Emma’s nomination for Treasurer was agreed

i. It was noted that signatures for the bank (HSBC) would need to be changed ii. £6,195 in the bank account

iii. Survey costs are outstanding

c. Nominations for Membership Secretary to be reviewed in August.

3. Website development

a. Dawn has spoken to Scott, who is building the website. Original aim was to have it live by the end of this week – which still might be possible. He will email us the latest link of the website for us to review. At the moment it has just been forwarded to Joss and John as it is in the very early stage. Pages have been taken down from SBRA website – a link will be added once the site is live

b. Mike G to get outline of the Neighbourhood Plan for the website – by 29th July 2015

c. We discussed whether we need a Critical Path chart for the website? Mike G produced the current Gantt chart which may still be fit for purpose once it has been reviewed

4. Have Your Say Day

a. Now scheduled for October. John and Dawn to pick up Joss’ action point for 7th August

b. Structure of the exhibition –- review in more detail in August

5. Residential Development & Residential Working Group

a. Mike has been tying up loose ends and liaising with the working groups. John and Mike will be liaising with the Working Group leaders – particularly the Residential working group. We are collating all the work from the Working Groups. Target is for the working groups to get all the information in by 31st July.

John will replace Julia as Leader for the Residential Development & Regeneration Working Group and the Local Businesses and Jobs Group (led previously by Maggie) will be merged into one

b. The Characterisation Study is complete. Howard has written the summary. Appended map to be included

c. Planning Applications Study - Mike had a meeting with Kevin Hall. Mike sent the outline of the meeting to Kevin and Kevin has responded. They are set to move forward with the work

d. Howard to produce sketches for HYSD

6. Transport & Movement

a. Dawn, Ben and Mike had a meeting to discuss transport issues/working group

b. Many of the transport issues are covered by West Sussex County Council highway – they are not covered by Adur & Worthing Council. If we want to raise these issues we need to bring on board West Sussex County Council

c. The group discussed the possibility of developing a parking policy as part of the transport working group work

7. Community Facilities

a. Mike has written up the notes from meeting with Maurice and Dawn

b. Framework agreed that in future: notes are typed up and agreed after each meeting c. Invited to respond to WSCC in terms of school places - carried out (DC-S)

d. Meeting with DC-S & Miss Woodman at Shoreham Beach Primary School to liaise over further ideas/increased links with the School/SBNF.

The possibility of Howard and Mike to perhaps do an assembly. Also discussed the possibility of the pupils to create a vision for their ideal school as part of the community engagement work between the School/SBNF

Suggested either Tuesday 13th or Thursday 15th October (5:30 – 8:00pm) as HYSD. It was proposed to have HYSD on one of the dates and again on the Saturday 17th October (11:00 – 3:00) combined with the AGM

e. John shared his idea to help engage 8 – 16 year olds: perhaps produce something simple that has some questions from the survey on it, maybe a quiz – encourage them to go round the local area – have a design competition for a ‘gateway’ sign for Shoreham Beach. Miss Woodman – mentioned that they already have a Treasure Hunt and was very aligned with the idea. Further ideas to be considered as we continue to plan HYSD

8. Sustainable Green Neighbourhood

a. Mike G has typed up a document of the SGN in relation to him liaising with Jenny

9. Community Engagement

a. Household survey results – Joss has now got the majority of the information from the consultant. Approximately 1 / 8 households responded.

10. SBNF Management Committee members with SBRA representatives 14th July meeting

a. SBRA made suggested observations regarding the process of the N.P – John & Dawn responded

11. SBNF Management Committee meeting with James Appleton

a. Due to have a meeting with James Appleton re: asset of community value Beach Green Toilet Site – this has been delayed. DC-S has emailed James to set up another meeting in August

12. Agenda items for Management Committee

a. Focusing on HYSD

b. Change the date – Wednesday 26th August; venue to be arranged

Attendees: Dawn Clenton-Sparey Chairman, John Haffenden Vice Chairman, Joss, Loader, Maurice Pitchford, Emma Whelan, Linton Wightman

Apologies: Ben Stride, Sarah Howarth, Jennie Tindall

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